Engaging Leaders Ad Astra Road Trip

By Engaging Leaders Chapter of ABWA (other events)

Wednesday, October 28 2020 5:30 PM 7:30 PM CDT

Join Engaging Leaders as we road trip to Topeka's Ad Astra's monthly event.  Where our own,  Elaine Boose is President.  We'll meet at the Lecompton Turnpike parking lot to car pool together at 5:00 pm. Please select your free ticket to ride or drive, in order to reserve your spot in a car or let us know you'll make it on your own.  Meeting cost is free, your expense will be your meal and the 50/50, should you want to join in.  There will be a zoom option for those of you that would prefer to continue to social distance. Meeting codes will follow for those that RSVP.